Have you considered starting your own foundation? Are you concerned about making the most of your philanthropy while minimizing administrative distractions? A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) allows you to centralize your charitable giving and turn over the administration of it to a valued partner, JCF MetroWest. We handle the processing of your donations and grants, mail statements to you on a quarterly basis, manage the investments in your fund and ensure that distributions are made from it on a timely basis. Click here to download a fact sheet and learn more.
DAFs make philanthropy powerful and easy to use and are an attractive alternative to private foundations. In fact, from a tax-planning perspective, Donor Advised Funds and Supporting Foundations may offer a very attractive alternative to private foundations. Click here to download a fact sheet and learn more. For families interested in investing their charitable assets outside of JCF investment pools, a Supporting Foundation may be a wise option. Supporting Foundations share JCF MetroWest’s non-profit status but are separately incorporated funds. Click here to learn more about what differentiates Donor Advised Funds from Supporting Foundations.