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Did you know that your support of the UJA MetroWest Annual Campaign could continue forever?

An Annual Campaign Endowment (ACE) is a permanent fund dedicated to endowing your Jewish community Annual Campaign gift. An ACE fund is a lasting legacy that will continue to make an annual gift to the campaign on your behalf in perpetuity.

In MetroWest, the group of people who have chosen to value/honor our community in this way are known as the Lester Society. The Lester Society was established in 1993 by William and Betty Lester to recognize donors who perpetuate support for the annual UJA Campaign through commitments of $100,000 or more. William Lester died in 2005 leaving UJC MetroWest its first multi-million dollar endowment to support the UJA Campaign. Today the Lester Society totals nearly 100 million dollars in commitments from more than 280 members.

Women who endow their Lion of Judah annual gift to Women’s Philanthropy become Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJEs). This national honor society recognizes women who have endowed their gift of $5,000 or more with a minimum commitment of $100,000.

You may create your Annual Campaign Endowment through a variety of vehicles, some of which provide your estate with considerable tax benefits without the requirement that you contribute during your lifetime. These options allow you to perpetuate your commitment to the Annual Campaign in a way that best achieves your own personal financial and estate planning goals.

I would like to learn more about the Lester Society.
I would like to learn more about LOJE (Lion of Judah Endowments).

How do I create an endowment fund?
How can I provide for a charitable gift in my estate plans?
What are the advantages of giving securities instead of cash?
How can I use life insurance to make a charitable gift?