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Reporting Requirements and Forms

Reporting Forms (Six Month/Interim and Final Report)

The Fund requires that Progress Reports including Six Month and Final Reports be submitted by e-mail and hard copy by the due date noted in your Grant Agreement. These reports should be sent to the Fund Manager, Renie Carniol at and by mail to:
Renie Carniol, Fund Manager, Grotta Fund for Senior Care of the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest, 901 Route 10, P.O. Box 929, Whippany, NJ 07981.

These reports are comprised of four parts:
  • Cover Sheet (Six-Month/Final Report)
  • Six-Month Narrative or Final Narrative
  • Project Evaluation Form (Six-Month/Final)
  • Financial Report:
    Six-Month Financial Report
    Final Financial Report
These should be sent via email as attachments.

No reminders will be sent.

These reports enable the Fund to ensure the grant is proceeding toward the goals and objectives as approved based upon your proposal or revised submission. We request that your reports explain in detail the activities, accomplishments and difficulties that have occurred. These reports should be used to help improve project implementation. Specifically, Grotta encourages each grantee to internally review whether goals and objectives are being met, if and how different aspects of the project are working and how the project’s performance can be optimized. In addition, by reflecting upon unanticipated obstacles and consequences, the grantee can gain further valuable insights into the project.

Since reports will be shared with our Council members, please share what you have learned about grant progress toward the targeted project goals and objectives and specific and measureable outcomes. Tell about specific activities and dollars (funders, agency’s and other contributors). Let us know if your organization has fostered new relationships and partnerships, unveiled new opportunities, and identified new or leveraged funding resulting from the project.

In addition, Grotta encourages our grantees to share results and lessons learned from the project, not only with Grotta as funder but also with other funders and organizations that are striving to address similar issues and challenges of seniors. Please keep us abreast of presentations, publicity and publications regarding the grant, both locally or nationally.