Shabbat Shalem, Shabbat made “whole and complete” by the inclusion of all of its members, is celebrated during Jewish Disability Awareness Month in February. We recognize that inclusion is something that occurs naturally in so many of our congregations year round. During Shabbat Shalem, congregations help us to raise the level of awareness across MetroWest, toward creating a community made whole by the inclusion of all of its members. We look forward to a MetroWest in which all members of our community can participate fully in every aspect of Jewish life.

>> Shabbat Shalem Resources flyer
>> Suggested Programming Ideas for Shabbat Shalem

A wonderful outcome of Jewish Disability Awareness Month has been the creation of Synagogue Inclusion Committees. To date, twelve congregations have taken it upon themselves to create committees that address issues and questions related to special needs in their own congregations. These groups provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to get the services they require in order to fully participate in congregational life, and serve as a means by which to continually update and enhance the needs that are being served in synagogue life. 
Chairpersons of the Synagogue Inclusion Committees meet periodically each year with  Rebecca Wanatick, Community Coordinator for MetroWest ABLE, to exchange ideas and share information.  Please contact, Rebecca Wanatick at (973) 929-3129 or if you are interested in becoming involved or starting a committee in you synagogue!

MetroWest ABLE is in the process of recognizing congregations that meet specific criteria to become ABLE Awarded. MetroWest ABLE has created a self-assessment tool to be used by synagogues to gauge their level of accessibility and plan for further enhancements. Congregations that embark on this process can achieve special recognition from the MetroWest community as an ABLE AWARDED synagogue.

>> “How Inclusive Are We?” (Synagogue Self-Assessment) (PDF)

Temple Sha'arey Shalom

Congregations across MetroWest provide accommodations for members of the community with disabilities. By creating accessible facilities and programming, congregations afford opportunities for individuals and their families to fully participate in Jewish life in MetroWest. For more information on the accommodations provided in specific MetroWest congregations, please click here.