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JCF Funding Opportunity: MetroWest Day School Endowments

MetroWest Day School Endowments

Since 1978, Jewish day school attendance has doubled. Formerly the almost exclusive realm of Orthodox children, day schools in North America now attract more than 200,000 youngsters annually from all streams of Judaism. This is the result of a fundamental change: parents looking for identity-building, values-based education; recognition that day school graduates become successful members of American society AND committed Jews; and concerns about Jewish identity throughout the Jewish community. We are fortunate in the MetroWest Jewish community to have three excellent day schools – The Hebrew Academy of Morris County; Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex & Union County; and the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy and Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School.

In the MetroWest Jewish community – as in communities throughout the country – day school tuition poses a serious problem. As costs rise, schools face the burden of subsidizing tuition while trying to pay teachers a competitive salary and maintain academic excellence. Despite tuition subsidies, many families are forced to make the choice between day school and other activities important to them.

The MetroWest Day School Endowment Campaign is being launched to help schools and families cope with these issues. It will ensure the affordability of a day school education while enabling schools to maintain academic excellence in both their religious and secular curricula.

Your endowment of $1,000,000 or more to support one or more day schools in the MetroWest Jewish community will help ensure that academically excellent day school education will be available and affordable for families who seek it.

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the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ.

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to recommend a grant from your
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