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JCF Funding Opportunity: Cafe Europa

Café Europa

When Mr. & Mrs. J began attending Café Europa they were both in their late 70’s. Mrs. J. had just begun to exhibit signs of Alzheimer’s disease, and they were feeling isolated and lonely. Over the years, Mrs. J.’s Alzheimer’s worsened. Mr. J. began to exhibit signs of caregiver stress. He was not eating or sleeping well, exhibited signs of depression, and had somatic complaints. He was very reluctant to accept help caring for his wife. As a result of the supportive environment at Café Europa and the efforts of its social worker, Mr. J agreed to accept a home health aide and attend a Caregivers Support Group. Gradually, he began to trust the aide and was able to leave her alone with his wife. He began to eat better and get some sleep. His somatic complaints decreased.

Through Café Europa, JFS provides Mr. & Mrs. J and 220 other Holocaust survivors like them with a stable and nurturing environment and the support services they need. This is of utmost importance for survivors because many have no families nearby.

Your gift of $1,000 will sponsor honoraria for four guest speakers for Café Europa; $3,600 will sponsor an 8-week expressive therapy support group; and $5,400 will underwrite the cost of an editor for the second volume of Rediscovered Voices, the Café Europa Quarterly Newsletter. A gift of $10,000 will underwrite transportation for 50 survivors to Café Europa for three months. Your endowment of $1,000,000 will ensure Café Europa’s operation for at least a decade. The program will be renamed in honor of the donor, all publicity will carry the donor’s name, and an annual reception will be held in the donor’s honor. 

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