Camp Deeny Riback Aquatics Center
Amanda is a special needs child who found her way to Camp Deeny Riback for her first camping experience. She struggles with gross motor skills and with interactions with campers and staff members. Through the Camp Deeny Riback Aquatics Center and karate program she was able to connect – with herself and with others. The summer made dramatic changes in Amanda. And in her mother’s life as well.
Through the Aquatics Center at Camp Deeny Riback, many children are provided with life-changing experiences in the context of a Jewish connection. The camp has molded them into responsible, conscientious, confident young men and women who are not afraid to take chances and plunge in. Each summer, approximately 600 campers use the Aquatics Center, each with their own individual story of accomplishments: first time in the pool … or getting their face wet … or swimming a full length by themselves. All of these experiences help campers build character and overcome fears, all while having fun! Now Camp Deeny Riback is faced with the need to upgrade its Aquatics Center to compete with neighboring secular area day camps. An infusion of capital is needed to make improvements that will allow the camp to continue to attract and influence young children and connect them to their Jewish identity.
Your capital gift of $1,000,000 will enable Camp Deeny Riback to modernize its aquatics facilities and regain its competitive edge. Your endowment of $1,500,000 will support the Aquatics Center for future generations of MetroWest children.
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