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JCF Funding Opportunity: Caregivers' Resource Center

MetroWest Caregivers' Resource Center

Bob C. is a middle-aged working man with virtually no spare time in his schedule; Joyce K. is an 80-year-old who cares for her frail 85-year-old husband; and Sara G., a woman in her 70s, is the only caregiver for her deaf and blind 95-year-old mother. All three were desperately in need of guidance and support in their roles as caregivers for their elderly parents and spouses. After contacting the Caregivers’ Resource Center at Jewish Family Service (JFS) of MetroWest, all were able to find the living arrangements, respite care, and regular assistance they needed to tend to their loved ones while reducing their own stress in the process. 

Caregivers’ Resource Center – founded by Jewish Family Service and Daughters of Israel Geriatric Center – understands that caring for a loved one who is aging or disabled is a stressful job, made all the more difficult by the regular demands of our jobs and families. The Center provides caregiver training programs, centralized telephone information and referral, workshops, counseling, and access to subsidized respite services – primarily adult day care and in-home support. Cooperating agencies include the JCC MetroWest, the Jewish Community Housing Corporation, Saint Barnabas Senior Services, Dorot, and United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ.

A gift of $150,000 will support the provision of subsidized counseling and support services for a year. An endowment gift of $3,000,000 will ensure the delivery of these services for generations to come.

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