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JCF Funding Opportunity: CareLink


Eighty-five year-old Lillian lives alone in her own West Orange apartment. Without any family in the area, she was referred by the JCC kosher Meals on Wheels coordinator to CareLink for a Passover visit and food package. Rose, another CareLink recipient, wrote, “I would like to thank you all for the lovely Passover packages. It was so nice of you! I appreciated it and so do my friends Charlie (98) and Eva (89), who all live alone. This was a true mitzvah.”

CareLink makes connections between those who need volunteer help and those willing to provide assistance. Co-sponsored by Jewish Family Service (JFS) of MetroWest and JCC MetroWest, CareLink provides meaningful, time limited volunteer opportunities that focus on local needs and accomplish things that the cooperating agencies could not do alone. One young volunteer who delivered food, cards, and flowers made by children to Russian seniors at Ivy Hill in Newark stated, “It’s hard to believe that there is this Russian Jewish community of older people just ten minutes away from West Orange and Livingston. It is so important that we reach out to them and let them know that they are part of the MetroWest Jewish community.”

Your contribution of $300 will support staffing and program expenses for three days of community-wide volunteering for 10 clients. $30,000 will support staffing and program expenses for three days and will reach 1,800 unduplicated volunteers impacting 900 clients. An endowment gift of $900,000 will ensure the continuation of this project far into the future.

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