Coordinated Care of MetroWest
ST is a 39-year-old male who suffered a traumatic brain injury following an automobile accident. He requires 24-hour care, as he is not able to care for himself independently and lives with a feeding tube. Although living in a private care facility, his parents provide careful oversight. He alternates weekends between his parents and they help guide and manage the resources and services he receives.
Through Coordinated Care of MetroWest (CCM), ST’s parents have established a restricted fund to have CCM provide case management, advocacy, and oversight for ST when they are no longer able to do so. His care will be managed by a Jewish Family Service (JFS) of MetroWest Personal Advocate, who can support a caseload of five CCM clients simultaneously. While ST’s family was financially able to support the establishment of this special fund, CCM receives inquiries from many families whose resources are limited. Funding is needed to support dedicated scholarships for eligible CCM clients.
Your gift of $5,000 will enable one client like ST to receive services for a year. A contribution of $25,000 will provide for dedicated staff at JFS to support this service and scholarship resources for families whose ability to enroll is limited due to financial need. An endowment gift of $500,000 will assure the continuation of CCM services for future generations.
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the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ.
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to recommend a grant from your
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