Jewish Family Service (JFS) of MetroWest
Center for Family and Children’s Services
David R. is a 15-year-old from Randolph whose father left on a business trip and never returned, abandoning David and his mother. Although David’s mother, Diane, was able to obtain a divorce, her ex-husband refuses to support his son, and she has been forced to return to court. David is hurt, confused, and angry over his father’s actions. His grades are slipping and he has become a disciplinary problem. Diane’s heart is breaking for David; she herself is also experiencing emotional turmoil. She wants them both to enter therapy, but her secretarial salary barely covers household expenses and the legal expenses from the divorce and subsequent court proceedings. In desperation, Diane reached out to JFS.
Through the JFS Center for Family & Children’s Services, children like David and his mother who are trying to cope with difficult life situations receive subsidized outpatient counseling facilitated by licensed clinical social workers. As a result. they learn the coping skills necessary to move on with their lives.
Your gift of $1,750 will support 30 hours of counseling for 4 clients. A contribution of $175,000 will assure the continuity of programs at the Center for Family & Children’s Services for one year. An endowment of $3,250,000 will support the Center for generations of MetroWest families.
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