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JCF Funding Opportunity: House Calls

Jewish Family Service (JFS) of MetroWest
House Calls

Mollie, a former client of JFS, moved into the Jewish Community Housing Corporation Village Apartments at the same time she started to suffer from dementia. She was no longer able to get to the JFS office and started utilizing the House Calls social worker in her building. On a home visit, the social worker and geriatric nurse practitioner (GNP) found Mollie’s apartment in total disarray, with piles of paper everywhere. The refrigerator was dirty and food wasn’t being properly stored. Mollie had stopped seeing her psychiatrist and stopped taking the medication prescribed for her depression and dementia. 

JFS House Calls provides patients like Mollie who live in Jewish Community Housing or are members of the JCC Senior Adult Center living in their own homes with a variety of services, including: a home care worker to clean, prepare meals, do laundry, and oversee the taking of medication; delivery of Meals on Wheels; scheduling of appointments with medical/psychiatric professionals and a GNP to act as liaison; transportation to doctors’ appointments; in-home counseling by a social worker; volunteer help as needed; and a system of communication with the client’s family. 

Your gift of $360 can pay for one health education workshop jointly facilitated by a social worker and nurse practitioner. Your gift of $500 can support services for one client for a year. Your contribution of $200,000 will sustain the JFS House Calls program for one year. An endowment gift of $4,000,000 will ensure that MetroWest seniors like Mollie receive these services for decades to come.

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