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JCF Funding Opportunity: JESPY House

JESPY Day Program

Andrea, Tom, and Jeff are all JESPY clients with severe learning and/or developmental disabilities who are unable to work full-time. All three attend the JESPY Day Program, a structured program of health oriented workshops, anger management, vocational training, and exercise groups, as well as art and music therapy and recreational activities. Without structure to their day, clients like Andrea, Tom, and Jeff regress emotionally, become socially isolated, and resort to sitting around, watching TV, and eating.

Thanks to the JESPY Day Program, there is help available. For the past four years, JESPY has provided an array of services aimed at avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and fostering optimal adaptation to daily life for clients with special needs. Up to 30 individuals are served 4 days a week.

Your contribution of $4,000 will provide access to the program for one client like Andrea or Tom or Jeff for one year. Your contribution of $120,000 will underwrite the entire JESPY Day Program for one year. An endowment gift of $2,400,000 will ensure its continuation for decades to come.

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the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ.

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