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JCF Funding Opportunity: Kedma

Kedma: Promoting Individual Advancement Among Ethiopian Youth

Kedma is a unique study program of The Jewish Agency that offers ten months of intensive Hebrew language (ulpan) and mathematics, English and computer studies, and higher education and vocational training opportunities to Ethiopian immigrants between the ages of 17-27. Kedma is a Hebrew acronym for Promoting Personal Readiness; in Amharic, the word means moving forward.

This aptly named program, which has been operating for three years, facilitates the rapid advancement of young adults: from academic achievements to the IDF to employment and complete integration into Israeli society.

"My name is Samayan and I was born in Gondar and did not go to school until I was 12-years-old because I had to help support my family. At age 12, I went to school but only after I completed my work in a local clothing factory. My dream was to make aliyah to Israel, reunite with my family, and to pursue my studies. I was thrilled to hear that I could join the Kedma program of The Jewish Agency and thank God that my dream has come true and promise to work hard so that I can finish the program."

Your donation in any amount will help support the Kedma program. Each donation of $10,000 supports one person's participation in Kedma for one year. A gift of $2,000,000 would provide scholarships for ten students for 20 years. To recognize this gift, a scholarship fund for Kedma will be named in honor of the donor and a plaque will be placed in a highly visible location in one of The Jewish Agency's buildings in Jerusalem. Program updates with stories and photos of recipients will be sent to the donor on a regular basis.

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