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JCF Funding Opportunity: Keshet

Keshet: Reuniting Soldiers from the former Soviet Union with their Parents

I would like to thank you for your generous help. My son made aliyah through the Na’aleh program and has now been serving in the IDF for two years. I had not seen him since he entered the IDF but with your help I came to Israel and spent one wonderful week with him. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to hug my son again.
 -- Irina from Yekaterinburg, Russia

There are currently 2,500 new immigrant soldiers serving in the IDF alone and apart from their families. They come to Israel without their parents and lack the emotional and material support of a warm, loving home and family. For the lone soldier, contact with concerned parents and families living thousands of miles away is limited and very costly.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ocean, while parents are genuinely proud of their children and the contribution that they are making to the State of Israel, they miss them terribly. Parents of lone soldiers endure extended periods of time without any contact with their children.

Keshet (meaning rainbow in Hebrew) reunites these parents and children for a week-long emotional visit in Israel.

Your contribution of $1,000 will pay all the expenses for a stay in Israel for one parent for one week. A gift of $50,000 will bring a group of 50 parents.

An endowment of $1,000,000 will unite 50 more families a year for the next 20 years. To recognize this gift, a fund for Keshet will be named in honor of the donor and a plaque will be placed in a highly visible location in one of The Jewish Agency's buildings in Jerusalem. In addition, a special ceremony will be held in Israel with Keshet participants to pay tribute to the donor and program updates with stories and photos of recipients will be sent on a regular basis.

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