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JCF Funding Opportunity: Beit Warszawa

Beit Warszawa

"When I left Poland more than 30 years ago, it was dangerous to admit that you were a Jew,” said Jan, a 51 year-old translator. “Coming back four years ago, I see that there is a chance to live openly as a Jew and participate in Polish life. Beit Warszawa is helping this happen by showing a modern face of Judaism. Joining in this process has great personal meaning for me.”
Beit Warszawa – Warsaw’s Progressive Jewish Community – was created in 2000 by a group of Polish and expatriate American Jews as a not-for-profit Jewish cultural organization. Their goal was to provide a safe, welcoming environment for the celebration of Jewish spiritual and cultural life and to build a community open to participation by all who share an interest in and commitment to progressive Jewish values. The founding of Beit Warszawa provided Warsaw’s Jews with an alternative to its only other Jewish spiritual center – the Orthodox Nozyk Synagogue.

Most modern-day Poles of Jewish heritage are novices to Judaism. Beit Warszawa offers a supportive community that explains the complexities of Jewish culture, tradition; and religion; celebrates the Jewish Sabbath and all major holidays; and sponsors cultural and social events. All events are trilingual with transliterated Hebrew and translation to Polish or English.

Today, Beit Warszawa boasts more than 1,000 participants. Everyone is welcome and accepted, including children of mixed marriages and non-Jewish spouses. Events are led by visiting rabbis, rabbinical students, or by Beit Warszawa members.

Beit Warszawa is dependent upon membership dues, grants, and contributions to sustain its activities. Contributions in any amount are welcome and greatly appreciated.

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