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More People are Slaves Today than in any Time in History
As we remember slavery at our seder tables, we must not--cannot--ignore the fact that slavery is not just a part of our history and religious imagination--it is a reality for perhaps 27 million people around the world.

"In every generation, each person must see ourselves as if we personally went out of Egypt" says the Passover haggadah. And remembering that we were in slavery, the Torah tells us no less than 36 times, brings with it the obligation to make sure that others do not suffer oppression.

At, you can sign an online petition to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan demanding action against slavery, circulate the petition to people you know, send an e-mail to your congressperson, or get in involved in abolitionist efforts in other ways. Go to to learn more about slavery, slaves and contemporary abolitionism.