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Electronic (and Thus Paperless!) Gateways to Activism, Service, Justice, and Social Change That You Can't Live Without

Comprehensive Gateways: : Locate volunteer opportunities by zip code; find and get resources for your non-profit.

Teenage Volunteers : Hosted by Action Without Borders, provides listings for organizations, jobs, volunteer opportunities, internships, and resources in 152 countries! : Extensive service and volunteer opportunities, as well as assistance for non-profits : The home page for GiveForChange, ActForChange, VolunteerforChange, and a variety of other social change avenues. Sponsored by Working Assets. Jewish Organizations Spanning the Globe and a Range of Causes: : American Jewish World Service provides service and volunteer opportunities, technical support, and emergency relief through the world. : The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee JDC's AIDS Jews in distressor poverty overseas, including those in the midst of political turmoil and crisis, and to be regarded as an honest broker by all sides; special non-sectarian programs also assist non-Jews in distress.

Jewish Social Action organizations in North America : The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry. : American Jewish Congress works to combat all forms of bigotry through the courts and legislation, to protect the freedoms in the Bill of Rights, to safeguard Jewish interests and advance the security of Israel. : AVODAH: the Jewish Service Corps is a year-long program for young Jews who want to work in community-based anti-poverty programs such as literacy campaigns, health clinics and community organizing initiatives while living together in community dedicated to Jewish life, social activism, and the connection between the two. : Official Social Action website for the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), the youth movement of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. : The Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation. : Jewish War Veterans--gives info regarding Israel, Veterans, congressional laws regarding Israel, prayer in school, etc. : NA'AMAT, a Hebrew acronym for "Movement of Working Women and Volunteers," is an organization working to enhance the quality of life for women, children and families in Israel, the U.S. and around the world, acting on issues ranging from religious pluralism to improvement in the status of women at home and in the workplace, from child well-being to peace in the Middle East, from the ability of single parents and new immigrants to build a life for themselves to the end of domestic violence. : National Council of Jewish Women works to improve the lives of women, children and families through a program of advocacy, education, and community service. : The site for the Orthodox Union teen programs. : ORT, founded in 1880, is a global, non-profit organization, meeting the job education and training needs of people around the world. : Site of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, includes press releases, a weekly legislative update, outlines of the RAC's position on major issues, information on RAC programs and publications, and more, focusing on issues of social justice and religious liberty. Includes synagogue program bank. : "Deeds of Loving kindness: Practical Steps to Social Action Programming": Produced by USCJ, how-tos on conducting a blood drive, food drive, Shabbat baskets campaign, and an AIDS care team in your community. : The high school age affiliate of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, USY brings Jewish teens great friends and exciting programs in your synagogue and around the world...and transforms Jewish leaders for the next generation

Religious Action

The Israel Religious Action Center : (IRAC) is the leading advocacy group on matters of religion and state in Israel, working for religious pluralism and tolerance, democracy and human rights, and economic and social justice.

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise : develops social and educational
programs in the U.S. based on innovative, successful Israeli models that
address similar domestic problems, and bringing novel U.S. programs to
Israel. These cooperative activities, which stem from our common values, are
called Shared Value Initiatives.