The issue of refugees is always central to discussion about the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, such deliberations are far from being comprehensive; the flight of Jews and other minorities from Arab lands is strikingly absent, while the agenda solely focuses on a Palestinian refugees. A bill H.Res 185 addressing this issue will be marked up in early February in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The legislation co-sponsored by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), states in part that “any resolutions relating to the issue of Middle East refugees, and which include a reference to the required resolution of the Palestinian refugee issue, must also include a similarly explicit reference to the resolution of the issue of Jewish, Christian, and other refugees from Arab countries.
Action: Contact your Congressman and urge him to support passage of H.Res 185 in the House Foreign Affairs Committee and when it comes to a floor vote. Please note that Representatives Donald Payne and Albio Sires sit on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and they should also be contacted directly.