t is a face of all complexions and religions. It is a face of both genders and all nationalities.

And the face of suffering is also a Jewish face, because the face of suffering is the face of every religion and every ethnic group.

There are Jews in need here in MetroWest, in Israel, and around the world.

There are thousands of Jews around the world who need our help. There are thousands more than we have the resources to answer. But they need our help now, and that means: THEY NEED YOUR HELP NOW.

Their safety net is you.

Your support of the 2008 United Jewish Appeal of MetroWest NJ will help give us the power to go further than ever before in transforming Jewish lives of all ages and in all communities.

Through our years of experience and our established relations with our partner agencies, in MetroWest, in Israel, and overseas, we have the know-how and the network to deliver aid whenever and wherever it is needed.

Every story can have a happy ending.

Ms. J was disabled, became divorced, lost custody of her children, and lived in a small, dingy apartment. Then she turned to Jewish Family Service, one of our partner agencies. Now, she has financial help, lives in a pleasant, larger apartment, and can see her children in the comfort of her own home.

But there are more waiting. And so we ask you to give generously, not only to save and preserve our own people, but to save and preserve ourselves as a people.

We thank you for your generosity!

United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ
901 Route 10 | Whippany, NJ 07981
www.ujcnj.org | (973) 929-3000 |

Live Generously.®

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