Involving Young Adults in Jewish Community: An Interview with Rabbi Daniel S. Brennan
Maturity Works:
What do YOU want to be when you grow up?
CRC Legislative Update
September 10
Women's Philanthropy Opening Event
September 11
CRC presents: Stop Iran Now
September 17
Young Leadership Divison's "We Bring the Bar...You bring the Mitzvah" Event
October 2
Pope Pius and the Holocaust, presented by the Holocaust Council of MetroWest
JCC MetroWest took 50 athletes to the JCC Maccabi Games in Detroit, Michigan, this summer. We brought home four bronze medals for tennis, swimming, boy's basketball, and boy's baseball.
The Best of Times by Gary Aidekman, UJC President
As I begin my term as president of UJC, it is an exciting and challenging time for us all. We have difficulties to face together, but we also have new opportunities, and the chance to achieve more than we ever have before. >>read more
One Mitzvah Leads To The Next by Rabbi Alan Silverstein
UJC MetroWest is a leader in promoting Religious Pluralism within the State of Israel. For more than a decade, our Jewish Federation has seeded and supported Masorti [Conservative], Reform, Modern Orthodox, and “Non-stream” projects that promote Jewish continuity and mutual tolerance among Israeli Jews. >> read more
My Taglit Birthright Israel Experience by Rachel Murray
From Christmas to Passover and everything in between, my parents, brother, and I celebrated the whole gamut of holidays while I was growing up. We didn't attend church. We didn't attend synagogue. I didn't learn about religion. I didn't care about religion. My father’s background is Irish Catholic and my mother's is Ashkenazi Jewish. >> read more
Involving Young Adults in Jewish Community:
an interview with Rabbi Daniel S. Brenner
“A number of sociologists have looked at the widening gap between the time people leave home, when they are 18, and the time they set up a home, when they get married and settle down. In the last couple of decades, that gap has grown greater every year.” >> read more
Maturity Works:
What do YOU want to be when you grow up? by Leonard C. Schneider, JVS Executive Director
There is a scene in the movie “The Graduate” in which an omniscient businessman approaches Dustin Hoffman at his graduation party and gives him the now famous and sage advice about what to do with his future. The businessman leans forward and whispers a single word in Hoffman's ear: “plastics.” If “The Graduate” was filmed today, the businessman would whisper a different word: “Boomers.” >> read more
CRC in Action: September 2008
Become an informed and active advocate
• CRC Community 9/11 program on Terror-Free Investment and Why it Makes a Difference
• Stop Iran Rally - UN Headquarters - September 22 at 12 noon. Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is coming to the UN. Will you? Community buses are being organized: contact .