Welcome to the first UJC weekly e-Update bringing you opinions and stories about UJC's impact in MetroWest, Israel, and around the world. We look forward to sharing with you the latest news and happenings that your support makes possible.
"Max"imum Potential
Upcoming Events
Women's Philanthropy Event Wednesday, September 10
9:15 a.m.
"A Jewish Girl Living in a Barbie World" — featuring the documentary film The Tribe, which explores Jewish identity through the lens of a Barbie doll.
Stop Iran Now
Thursday, September 11
7:00 p.m. CRC presents Financing of Iran's Nuclear Proliferation & State-Sponsored Terrorism: How Sanctions and Divestment Make a Difference
A blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman
Ten Years Later
Shortly after beginning my tenure as the Executive at the Minneapolis Jewish Federation in 1988, I had my first meeting with the Minnesota Rabbinic Association. The atmosphere was crisis-like in that the Knesset was debating whether to amend the "Law of Return" in order to comply with halakha according to the Orthodox tradition. >>MORE>>
from the New Jersey Jewish News
by Johann Ginsberg, NJJN Staff Writer
Local Officials Rachet Up Campaign Against Iran
Local Jewish community relations officials are sharpening their campaign against Iran, hoping to inspire Jews and non-Jews to take personal action in confronting that country's potential for gaining nuclear arms. >>MORE>>
On The Ground In Israel
by Amir Schacham, UJC MetroWest Director of Israel Operations
Tikun Olam — One Person at a Time
UJC MetroWest generously raises funds and distributes them in many different areas in the world in order to help our fellow Jews. We all live busy lives and it is easy to forget that with these funds, the community helps and changes real people's lives, in many ways, every day. >>MORE>>
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