Hineni: Here I Am Friday, October 24
9:15 a.m.
Join UJA MetroWest Women's Philanthropy for a lavish event, featuring Iris Krasnow, best-selling author, and honoring Rita Waldor, winner of the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Lifetime Achievement Award.
Senatorial Candidates Forum Monday, October 27
7:00 p.m. Sequential appearances by U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg and Former Congressman Dick Zimmer.
Presidential Surrogate Debate Sunday, November 2
7:00 p.m. Featuring representatives of Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama.
A blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman
From Rite to Right
As we have concluded the High Holiday services and are now celebrating Succot, we are reminded of the importance of ritual, one of the anchors of Judaism. The blowing of the Shofar, the fasting on Yom Kippur, and the wearing of non-leather shoes are our clarion call, reminding us that we are humble creatures in a fathomless universe. >>MORE>>
2008 Election Events
Do you have questions about the candidates for office? Much is at stake during this critically important election year. The Community Relations Committee is sponsoring key election programming:
Senatorial Candidates Forum: 10/27, 7 p.m. Presidential Surrogates Debate: 11/2, 7 p.m. A Retrospective on the 2008 Election: 11/10, 7:45 p.m.
Click here for more information.
We hope to see you — and remember to VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4. >>MORE>>
from the New Jersey Jewish News
by Robert Weiner, NJJN Staff Writer
Agencies brace for pain of economic turmoil
Feeling the sting of a growing global economic crisis, Jewish organizations are moving to cope with increasing demands from people facing the pressures of unemployment, severe losses in retirement income, and possible home foreclosures. >>MORE>>
On The Ground In Israel
by Amir Shacham, UJC MetroWest Director of Israel Operations Perspective The panicked perception of the current global economic crisis sometimes goes out of control, and one might feel that the entire world is going to collapse. In such situations, we should always remember our tradition, which teaches us that financial wealth is not a given nor should it become an ultimate goal in life. >>MORE>>