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  November 5, 2008

"Max"imum Potential

Upcoming Events

70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
Sunday, November 9
The Holocaust Council of MetroWest urges synagogues, Holocaust/Genocide centers, and churches to participate.

Retrospective of the Presidential Election
Monday, November 10
7:30 p.m.
Speakers include Roger Jacobs, Sam Pepper, and Dr. Edward Shapiro. Sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society of MetroWest and CRC.

Pictures of Resistance
Through Wednesday, November 12
The wartime photographs of Jewish partisan Faye Schulman.

JVS Creative Maturity Expo
Sunday, November 16
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
This event, geared to adults 50+, will offer seminars, exhibits, health screenings, and services.

A blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman
Red, White and Blue

I am writing the day before an historic election, in which either an African American or woman will e elected President or Vice President respectively. Whoever is elected will be facing the most daunting challenge confronting a president since Harry Truman learned of FDR's demise. >>MORE>>

from the New Jersey Jewish News
by Johanna Ginsberg, NJJN Staff Writerspacer
For a dark anniversary, shuls set to shine a light

During the night of Nov. 9-10, lights will illuminate synagogues and Jewish buildings throughout the area in a symbolic response to one of the darkest events in modern Jewish history. >>MORE>>
On the Ground in Israel

by Amir Schacham, UJC MetroWest Director of Israel Operationsspacer
Beautiful Israel

UJC's first partner region in Israel is the neighborhood of Neve Eliyahu (formerly Ramat Eliyahu) in Rishon Letzion. This partnership was established some 30 years ago under "Project Renewal," and later this month, when many MetroWest leaders will be in Israel, we are going to celebrate the occasion with lots of activities, dedications and ceremonies. >>MORE>>

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901 Route 10 • Whippany, NJ 07981
Phone: (973) 929-3000 • Fax: (973) 884-7361 •

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