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UJC Weekly e-Update

  November 19, 2008spacer
In this Issue:
The Barriers Can Come Down Super Sunday is Almost Here!
from the New Jersey Jewish News
The Barriers Can Come Down

Upcoming Events

Constantine's Sword
Sunday, November 23
2:00 p.m.
This film traces the history of religious scapegoating through the Crusades to the Iraq war.

by Jeffrey Korbman, UJC Assistant Executive Vice Presidentspacer
This past week, in the Torah cycle, we read about the birth of Isaac and subsequent weaning from his parents. At the time, Abraham and Sara threw him a “great party.”

On the spot, the penultimate biblical commentator Rashi makes a fascinating comment. He wrote that the party is “great” based on the people who were invited, like Noah from an earlier generation.

Rashi’s comment may be more relevant today than the hundreds of years ago when he wrote it. Parties, in the Jewish sense, are not about the décor, or the centerpieces or the food and the photographer. Parties are great because of who attends, the character and values they bring, the conversation and accomplishments.

In Jerusalem this week, 1,500 Jews from throughout the world are attending the National UJC General Assembly. It is a great party. It is a great party because of the people who are here: serious, interesting, committed, and passionate Jews – and some non-Jews – who are dedicated to making our community a stronger, safer, and more respectable one.

Politicians, lay leaders, economists, and professors have all shared the stage and their thoughts and feelings. I could offer scores of examples of interesting and moving presentations from all walks of life. But what moved me most was the tale about one soldier. A boy, just 19 years old, who was trained to fly helicopters, spoke about a recent rescue mission. He didn’t have to fly that day, but volunteered. He came from a secular, nonreligious background. On this day, and under fire, he flew in to rescue an injured soldier…this one a religious Orthodox boy whom he had never met.

On stage, before the crowd, the pilot talked about his sense of duty he felt for Israel. He explained why he volunteered to fly. Then, the Orthodox boy walked on stage. He thanked the secular pilot for saving his life. They hugged.

The barriers can come down. And the people willing to break them comprise a great party. >>BACK TO TOP>>

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