join usjoin usThe Legow Family Israel Program Center is proud to sponsor several community-wide celebrations of Israel. Yom Hazikaron is an annual commemoration of Israel’s Memorial Day, and Yom Ha’atzmaut is a festive celebration of Israel’s Independence Day. Please join us and share your commitment to Israel! For more information, call (973) 929-3047.
Celebrate Israel
United Jewish Communities
P.O. Box 929 • Whippany, NJ 07981
(973) 929-3000 • Fax (973) 884-7361
Dates for the 2010 Celebrate Israel events will be announced soon.

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agenda at a glance

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April 27
Israel Memorial Day
Commemorate Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

April 29
Israel Independence Day
Celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut with a free, fun, family carnival followed by a concert by David D'Or. (Ticket purchase required for concert.)
Join us at 6:15 for the special opportunity to view the film Case for Israel: Democracy’s Outpost, a new landmark documentary with Alan Dershowitz.

April 30
Israel Independence Day
Dinner and program for adults.
Keynote speaker: David Horovitz, editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post.
(Ticket purchase required.)

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May 31

Salute to Israel NYC Parade