On the Ground in Israel A personal view of our efforts in Israel from Amir Shacham, UJC MetroWest Director of Israel Operations April 20, 2009 |
'And you shall tell your son . . . '
We have just completed our Jewish collective and individual responsibility to commemorate our ancient exodus. We are still celebrating our short but powerful Israeli spring with colorful blooms everywhere. In spite of all modern plagues, security and economy to name only two, we feel the spirit of renewal and strength in the air. The roads, the trails, and the nature reserves are full with families who are taking advantage of the long vacation in order to get to know their country, their history, their roots, and . . . their own kids. As we get closer to Yom Hashoah (the Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers of Israel), and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day), the unique Israeli mix of ancient, modern, memory, remembrance, renewal, and joy becomes even more complex. The story of the children of Israel leaving Egypt to become a free nation in this very land is repeated in the story of the exodus from Europe after the Holocaust to create the modern Jewish state here. The hardships of fighting our enemies and building our country, then and now, are blended with the feelings of relief of being independent, free, and strong. We can read it all in the Hagada, in the bible, and in history books. However, we should also be able to feel it ourselves, deep inside, first hand, in person and as a nation. It does not really matter if we are already physically located in Jerusalem or if we just promise to be there next year, as long as we keep our promises. But, even more important: We are obliged to deliver the message and infuse these unique Jewish feelings into the next generation. We should let them know that “a nation that does not respect its past will not have a future.” We should tell them about the “promise that has stood for our ancestors and for us.” In this inspirational occasion in between Pessach, Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron, and Yom Ha’atzmaut, I would like to keep this obligation of telling the story and to commemorate some of the people who gave the ultimate sacrifice during this “Holy-Days” season. The heroes of the fulfillment of the promise: March 30, 2002 - Kinneret Boossani
March 30, 2009 - Dror Kandelshein
Drishat Shalom |
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