Jewish Women's Foundation
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The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New Jersey educates women about the power of philanthropy by pooling funds and strategically allocating to areas of need and importance to all women and girls. By moving what have been considered “women’s issues” – such as workplace issues, work/life balance, self esteem, education, and domestic violence – to the main stage, JWF members empower women and girls while improving the quality of life for all.

The foundation is set up as an endowment – women contribute money and the income from that money is distributed to organizations through a donor-advised granting process. All women in the foundation have an equal voice in the granting process, no matter how much they contribute. In addition, the unique set-up of the Jewish Women’s Foundation of New Jersey demonstrates that when women work together, they can make a meaningful and lasting impact through their collective strength.

All organizations that receive grants from JWF must help empower women and girls – in the workplace, in school, on the playing field, and more. Grants may be given to local, regional, national, Israeli, or global organizations; they need not be a Jewish organization to receive funds.

To learn more about the Jewish Women's Foundation of New Jersey, please select on of the following downloads (all PDF format) or select the online membership form to initiate your membership.

JWF Program Brochure | Complete Grant Application


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The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New Jersey is an advisory council of the
Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ.

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