Jewish Women's Foundation
Grant Guidelines

The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New Jersey (JWF) is currently accepting Letters of Intent for its 2010 grant cycle.  To apply for a 2010 JWF grant, please review the following grant guidelines and timelines, and submit the 2010 Letter of Intent to:

Jewish Women’s Foundation of NJ
901 Route 10
Whippany, NJ 07981
Attn:  Jocelyn Gilman, Director

Application Guidelines

Please submit an initial Letter of Intent, no more than 2 pages in length (excluding the enclosed Cover Page) in 12 point font, which includes the information listed below. The attached Cover Page should also be completed and submitted as a cover page (fastened with a single paper clip). Please make sure that you number your pages.

  1. A brief overview of the history and experience of your organization, specifically as it relates to the program for which you are applying and to your work with young girls and women in the communities listed below. Please include the founding date and its mission.
  2. A description of the program/project, the issues it addresses, a statement of need, the target population, your implementation plan, the potential to create social change to your community and an approximate timetable.
  3. A description of the program/project budget indicating the amount of funding needed and an explanation of how the requested funds will be used (e.g., materials, consultants, staff time, new staff, outreach, etc.) and in-kind or other funding, if applicable.
  4. A list of any collaborating or partner organizations, their roles and financial contributions to the program/project.
  5. A description of how you will evaluate and measure the program/project’s outcomes.
  6. The project’s potential for replication and long-term impact.
  7. Proof of 501 ( c ) 3 status.
  8. Please submit ten (10) copies of your Letter of Intent fastened with a paper clip (please do not staple or bind your Letter of Intent). In addition to submitting ten (10) hard copies of your Letter of Intent, you must submit an on line version to by the due date.

Please note:
All Letter of Intent, proposals and any materials submitted WILL NOT be returned. Please do not include binders, pictures, news articles, press kits, videos, CD’s, letters, references or similar items unless requested.

I   Eligibility, Restrictions and Types of Support

• JWF funds with a gender lens. In other words, we are interested in projects that recognize that women and girls have unique needs and interests.
• Although there is no predetermined number of grants, at least one grant will be made each year.
• We consider organizations for funding on a year-to-year basis.  Projects funded in any given year are not guaranteed for renewal, nor are they disqualified from future funding.
• JWF funds only organizations with their own 501(c)3 tax status or with a fiscal agent who is a 501(c)3.  Legal opinion letters of non-profit status are not sufficient.  No grants are awarded to individuals.
• In 2010, we will consider only projects in New Jersey’s Essex, Morris, Union and Sussex Counties, and surrounding communities or by invitation.
• We are interested in projects that address the root causes of challenges that face women and girls, promoting social change.  Projects with an advocacy component are valued.
• We value and encourage collaborative efforts.
• We consider a requesting organization’s overall support and inclusion of women and girls, as well as their inclusion in specific projects or programs for which the grants are sought.  This includes the extent to which women and girls are included among leadership, on boards and advisory committees, and in key staff positions.
• We will consider grant requests for amounts up to $ 15,000 in 2010.
• We will consider grants for programs/projects that deal with the following concerns:

• For Women:  Issues of self-esteem and empowerment, including workplace, family, and financial independence; child care; parenting; and grants encouraging civic involvement/political engagement.
For Girls:  Issues of self-esteem, body image, education, or leadership.

• We do not fund political campaigns or organizations such as PACs.
• We do not fund capital campaigns.
• We do not give loans.
• We do not award individual scholarships/tuition reimbursements.
• We do not purchase equipment or tickets/tables for special events.

II  Application and Grant Process

The JWF cannot support all eligible projects and only accepts Letter of Intent outlining fully planned projects.  Please take the time to review these Guidelines thoroughly to determine if your organization, program, project or initiative meets JWF’s criteria.  We encourage grant seekers to call or e-mail our staff to discuss the appropriateness of requests prior to submitting Letters of Intent. 

All letters of Intent must be of the requested length, submitted on time and must include the information requested in the Letter of Intent instructions.  If your organization is awarded a grant, the pay-out schedule will be determined by need.  JWF will require 6-month and final reports and evaluations.
Please Note: Letters of Intent received after the deadline date CANNOT be considered.

III Timeline

• Deadline for Letters of Intent:  February 5, 2010
• Notification to all Applicants:   February 19, 2010
• Deadline for Final Grant Applications:  April 9, 2010
• Site Visits for Final Applicants:  April 22 – May 19, 2010
• Grant Awards Announced:  June 1, 2010

download these guidelines (PDF)

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