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Speak EZ
In This Issue

CRC on the Front Lines
David Lentz,
Chair, Community Relations Committee of MetroWest NJ

Next Shabbat

Super Sunday 2010

What Café Europa Means to Me

Meeting the Needs of All Our Residents

Let's Retake Control of the Branding of Israel

CRC — Act Now!

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Charity Navigator

In This Issue

January 16
Night at the Museum

January 28 & 29
Caring for Your Special Needs Family Member Seminars

February 4
METROmagic: An Evening of Entertainment Featuring Paul Shaffer

Campaign Update

The "Work Activity Center" at Daughters of Israel is a joint project of Jewish Vocational Services and Daughters of Israel. Over 100 residents work throughout the year on projects such as packaging combs and plastic flatware. The work provides the residents, who receive a paycheck, a sense of dignity and enhances their self-esteem.

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Making a Difference

CRC in Action
Become an informed and active advocate

CRC Launches New Action Alert Technology
To make it easier — and faster — for UJC of MetroWest members to take action on priority legislative matters, the CRC has launched a new action alert capability which allows you to send an advocacy letter directly to your Congressmen from your own computer with a click of the mouse. The action alerts will be sent to every donor on issues of only the highest importance to UJC. Look out for CRC Action Alerts in your inbox. We encourage you to open them and take action!


House Passes Critical Iran Sanctions Legislation:
Time for Senate to Act.
Urge your Senators to Pass the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act of 2009 (S.2799) NOW to support tougher sanctions on Iran. This legislation seeks to reinforce American diplomacy by dramatically increasing economic pressure on Iran as it continues to defy the international community in its quest for a nuclear weapons capability. It contains the major components of both the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act and the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act both of which have passed the House.

Click here to take action.

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