CRC on the Front Lines David Lentz,
Chair, Community Relations Committee of MetroWest NJ
Next Shabbat
What Café Europa Means to Me
Meeting the Needs of All Our Residents
Let’s Retake Control of the Branding of Israel
CRC — Act Now!
January 16
Night at the Museum
January 28 & 29
Caring for Your Special Needs Family Member Seminars
February 4
METROmagic: An Evening of Entertainment Featuring Paul Shaffer
The "Work Activity Center" at Daughters of Israel is a joint project of Jewish Vocational Services and Daughters of Israel. Over 100 residents work throughout the year on projects such as packaging combs and plastic flatware. The work provides the residents, who receive a paycheck, a sense of dignity and enhances their self-esteem.
CRC on the Front Lines
by David Lentz, Chair, Community Relations Committee of MetroWest NJ
The Community Relations Committee is the public face and the advocate for UJC. What does this mean? It means that we represent the Jewish community to government officials at all levels: international, national, state, and local. We work to ensure that public policy works for the good of our beneficiary agencies, and that we bring available government dollars into our system. >>more
Next Shabbat
by Rabbi Daniel Brenner
Over the past year, Birthright Israel NEXT has quietly built the largest national program for young Jewish adults in America. Next Shabbat, a home-hospitality-based project, averages 2,000 participants a week and is on target to include over 70,000 guests this year. The average age of hosts is 25 — and the average size of a dinner is 14. >>more
Super Sunday was a Blowout Success!
Hundreds of members of the MetroWest Community came to the Alex Aidekman Family Jewish Community Campus for an exciting day of community activities. Together, we raised $1,623,258 with 2,385 gifts. Thank you MetroWest for making Super Sunday a huge success. Click on the image below to view a video of the activities.
What Café Europa Means to Me
by Gina Lanceter
When I first saw an article in the Jewish News about Café Europa: The Holocaust Survivors Friendship Society, I immediately decided to join. A friend of mine, who is no longer with us, had her doubts but joined also. The first meeting, if I remember correctly, was in September 2001. We were a small group. My first thought was "will it work?" I wanted very much for Café Europa to succeed. >>more
Meeting the Needs of All Our Residents
by Keisha McDonald
On a daily basis, as an Activity Coordinator at Daughters of Israel, I have the pleasure of making residents smile and feel good about themselves. When I first started in this field (four years ago), it was just another job. I soon understood the importance of an Activity Program in a long term care facility. >>more
Let's Retake Control of the Branding of Israel
by Rabbi Alan Silverstein
How is Israel perceived by the general American public and by the youngest generation of American Jewish adults? Lee Dranikoff graciously shared with me aspects of research conducted by the "Brand Israel" cadre of marketing consultants. Some encouraging findings do emerge: Americans currently regard Israel within the top 5 most positively viewed foreign countries, along with Canada, Great Britain, Germany and Japan. >>more
CRC in Action
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House Passes Critical Iran Sanctions Legislation: Time for Senate to Act. Urge your Senators to Pass the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act of 2009 (S.2799) NOW to support tougher sanctions on Iran.
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