Home>Grotta Fund for Senior Care: Budget Reallocations - retired
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Budget Reallocations
The Grotta Fund understands that during the life-cycle of a grant adjustments may need to be made to the approved budget. These changes may be due to unforeseen costs, cost savings, or changes to the project itself.
The Council encourages grantees to continually reevaluate the project plan and budget to identify ways to optimize the grant project's success. As such any budget revisions that will improve performance should be discussed with the Grotta Fund manager in advance of making changes. Approval will be indicated by the Fund manager but may need Council approval.
Reallocation of grant funds within the approved budget categories must be approved in writing by the Fund. A reallocation may be for personnel change or any budgetary reallocation that exceeds $1,000 or 10% of a budgeted line item.
It is important that you contact the Fund Manager prior to making any changes to your budget. Your reallocation request should include a revised budget and the reason for the request. Please allow at least three weeks for review of your request.