Stop IRAN: Sign the Petition To End U.S. Reliance on Foreign Oil
Iranian President Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations on nuclear non-proliferation. How ironic is that?
Nobody is fooled by President Ahmadinejad's attendance. Iran's intentions are abundantly clear and his nuclear ambitions threaten his neighbors, Israel's existence, and our national security. Iran is closer than ever before to obtaining nuclear weapons.
You can play a key role in stopping Ahmadinejad and Iran by helping to reduce the United States' reliance on foreign oil. Iran receives up to $100 million a day in oil revenues, which is an astonishing $1.8 trillion over the next forty years. That is $1.8 trillion that Iran can use to further their support of Hezbollah. $1.8 trillion that Iran can use in its pursuit of nuclear weapons. $1.8 trillion that Iran can use to threaten the region and meet its stated goal of eliminating Israel from the map.
It is an imperative that we act now! Join us in stopping Iran by shutting down the funding. Help us prevent Iran and other dangerous regimes from supporting terrorism and spreading the world's most deadly weapons. Sign the petition to our Senators today.