Stop Iran: End U.S. Reliance on Foreign Oil Iranian President Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations on nuclear non-proliferation. How ironic is that? Iran's intentions are abundantly clear and his nuclear ambitions threaten his neighbors, Israel's existence, and our national security. You can play a key role in stopping Ahmadinejad and Iran by helping to reduce the United States' reliance on foreign oil. It is an imperative that we act now! Join us in stopping Iran by shutting down the funding. Help us prevent Iran and other dangerous regimes from supporting terrorism and spreading the world's most deadly weapons. Sign the petition to our Senators today.
"Max"imum Potential
a blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman The Problem with Containment — Part I Last week at an Israel Bond event honoring Rita Waldor, Michael Hirsh, Senior Writer for Newsweek magazine, was the guest speaker. In his remarks, he noted that the Administration was working hard to stop Iran from going nuclear, with the Security Council taking up sanctions in late May or early June. However, these sanctions will be "watered down." He therefore cautioned that more and more, the conventional wisdom in Washington among leadership circles was developing policy to contain a nuclear armed Iran. >>MORE>>
From the New Jersey Jewish News
by Johanna Ginsberg, NJJN Staff Writer With each chapter, a new way to assist disabled Bookstore owner Jonah Zimiles of Maplewood has been appointed to the disability working group of the Jewish Federations of North America. For Zimiles, who opened Words Bookstore in Maplewood in 2009, the position combines his professional connections to the federation world with a very personal commitment to those with special needs — particularly autism. >>MORE>>
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