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UJC Weekly e-Update

July 28, 2010
 "Max"imum Potential

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a blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman
Go, Lavender!
I remember my college days at CCNY. About 65% of the student population was Jewish, probably a higher proportion than any other college with the exception of Yeshiva. My days at City College remind me of my friendship with David Twersky, of blessed memory, who died last week. His activism, together with others, including, yours truly, helped to establish the first Jewish Studies Department at CCNY, headed by Rabbi Yitz Greenberg.  >>MORE>>
 From the New Jersey Jewish News
by Johanna Ginsberg, NJJN Staff Writer

Need a synagogue for the holidays? Feel free!
Congregation Israel, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Springfield,, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Springfield, is among the 40 synagogues that have already signed up to participate in MetroPass, a community-wide program that will provide free tickets to any participating synagogue for new, unaffiliated area residents.  >>MORE>>
 On the Ground in Israel
by Amir Shacham, UJC MetroWest Director of Israel Operations

The Animal in Me
Last week I found myself back in the Knesset and not as a tourist. I was participating in a major lobbying effort to stop MK Rotem’s "Conversion Bill," a legislation that could endanger many achievements in building a more pluralistic society here and severely harm Israel Diaspora relationships. It was a great opportunity for me to compare notes and see what had changed in the heart of the political arena and what had not.  >>MORE>>
 CRC Action Alert
Letter writing campaign to stop Honeywell International from doing business in Iran
Honeywell's British subsidiary, UOP, is doing business with Iran enabling them to triple their daily gasoline production. Iran's oil industry is run by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which provides significant funding for Iran's illicit nuclear and missile programs. We do not want a NJ company to aid Iran's ability to fund nuclear weapons! As of July 1, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (the "Iran SAD Act"). The new law is focused on Iran's gasoline suppliers and those businesses that assist Iran in developing petroleum refineries such as Honeywell. Under the new SAD Act we believe Honeywell is illegal. Please join the No Nukes for Iran campaign against Honeywell International from doing business in Iran. Take action! Send a letter to the Honeywell CEO by clicking on the action button below. Together, we can continue to put significant pressure on Honeywell. 

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