October 2010 Rethink Federation. Rethink the possibilities. www.ujcnj.org   
Speak EZ
In This Issue

The Thrill of Discovery

Working Together We All Win

The Only Difference that Matters is the Difference You Make in Another's Life

The New Faces of Poverty

Optimism about the Future of American Jewish Identification with Israel

Take Action: Add your Name to the Stand for Israel Statement

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Jewish Volunteer Network

Charity Navigator

In This Issue

October 13
Major Gifts Event featuring Dan Senor

November 1
Choices Redux featuring Valerie Plame Wilson

November 5-10
General Assembly

Campaign Update

Women's Philanthropy is celebrating 75 years of women's giving.

Women's Philanthropy - 75 years

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Voice of UJC Leadership

The Thrill of Discovery

by Ken Heyman

Kenneth HeymanOne of the most gratifying aspects of a relationship is the pleasure of discovering something new just when you thought you knew everything about the other party.

From my early days with UJC MetroWest in the Young Leadership Division through my time as President of the UJC Board, I knew that the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ (JCF) was a valuable asset to our community, a fine organization that took care of MetroWest's assets.

What I did not know, however, was the breadth and scope of JCF's work in so many facets of our community, and I imagine that I am not alone in this. Many members of our community are not aware of how much JCF does and how many services it has to offer. In my term as president, I hope to change that.

The Core of JCF's Mission — Permanent Funds for Community Needs
Endowment funds are a crucially important base of support for any organization, and JCF has worked since its inception to ensure that there are permanent resources available for our community both locally and abroad. Clearly, the Lester Society is JCF's most notable achievement to date in this area, having secured almost $100 million in permanent gifts that will support the UJA Annual Campaign for generations to come.

Family Philanthropy
Permanent funds are crutial for our community. I have learned a lot about the ways in which donors can partner with JCF to achieve any number of philanthropic goals, and I will admit that I did not know the extent of what was possible until recently. Just one example: JCF has an excellent Donor Advised Fund program, a service that can be beneficial for nearly anyone. JCF takes responsibility for all aspects of managing these funds, enabling our donors to focus on their charitable giving while taking advantage of valuable tax benefits. Of all the ways in which donors can work with JCF for the benefit of the community, this is one of the simplest and most direct ways to do so. For more information, visit the JCF website's section on Donor Advised Funds at www.jcfmetrowest.org/DAF.

There are many other planned giving vehicles designed to help donors realize their philanthropic goals, far too many to discuss here. To learn more, please have a look at the new JCF website, www.jcfmetrowest.org.

Beyond Our Walls
Another pleasant surprise was the extent of JCF's grantmaking capacity. Last year JCF Advisory Councils, community supporting foundations, and various restricted endowed funds that come under the JCF umbrella collectively gave away nearly $1.2 million dollars to enhance the lives of those in greatest need. A complete description of all of these funds can be found in the "Our Impact" section of the JCF website.

Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, we can all see that there are specific needs in our community that will only grow greater with time — strengthening Jewish continuity, care for the elderly, and the support of Israel, to name a few. JCF is uniquely positioned to lead the MetroWest community in meeting these needs by creating endowments that provide needed, permanent support for these and many more.

I am proud to be a part of JCF, which has achieved so much for our community, but I am even more excited about what the future holds. I hope you will take the time to learn more about JCF, as I have. I think you will find that it is a rich and valuable resource from which we all benefit.

Best Wishes,
Kenneth Heyman
Ken Heyman