a blog by UJC's Executive VP, Max Kleinman Let’s Be Civil. Please. Rutgers University unveiled Project Civility in an effort to have students project better manners and courtesy, particularly for differing viewpoints. I hope this project succeeds because it is really needed. The controversy over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a case example. >>MORE>>
From the New Jersey Jewish News
by Robert Wiener, NJJN Staff Writer New agency funding procedure marks new era for federation United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ is revamping its process of allocating funds to local agencies in a move meant to sharpen its focus on programs serving Jews and to better communicate its mission to current and potential donors. >>MORE>>
From Leslie's Laptop
a blog by Leslie Dannin Rosenthal Budapest, My Grandmother’s Homeland Fills Me with Mixed Emotions When my husband and I visited Budapest recently, I reveled in the sounds of Hungarian, not because I understood it, but because it sounded like my grandmother and my great-aunts and uncles. Budapest is a beautiful city and its residents were warm and welcoming. But there is an undercurrent of sadness about Budapest for me. >>MORE>>
Dishin' with Dana
a blog by Dana Lichtenberg, Vice Chair, Campaign Social Networking The By-product of Volunteerism I got involved with UJC because somebody asked me to. It was someone I met at a bris. She barely knew me but she asked me to chair an event anyway (and subsequently increase my gift ten-fold) — I had no idea what any of it meant. But once I was in, I was hooked and I never looked back. Right from the beginning, I enjoyed the camaraderie, the sense of belonging and the connection to something meaningful. >>MORE>>
United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ
901 Route 10 • P.O. Box 929 • Whippany, NJ 07981-0929
Phone: (973) 929-3000 • Fax: (973) 884-7361
www.ujcnj.org • Privacy Policy and Terms of Use