How do I get involved? Do you offer singles programs? What's the age range? Read the YLD FAQs.
How do I get involved? Do you offer singles programs? What's the age range? Read the YLD FAQs.
Whether you are single, a couple, or a family you will find that YLD is a great place to connect and have fun while nourishing a vibrant Jewish future.
Here is just a taste of what we have to offer!
See your entire MetroWest Jewish community come out for UJC's biggest fundraising day of the year at Super Sunday
Visit UJC's partnering communities in Israel and see your dollars at work through a UJC mission
Participate in volunteer and social action programs like Carelink
Learn the in's and out's of UJC and where your dollars go through the Arthur Borinsky Young Leadership Development Program
See your local Jewish agencies at work on a UJC mini-mission
Click here to learn about all of UJC's events and programs