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Purim family activities
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Mishloach Manot

It is a special mitzvah to send food packages or baskets to friends and relatives on Purim. This custom finds its origins in the Megillah when Mordecai declared the holiday of Purim as a time "of feasting and gladness and of sending food to one another, as well as gifts to the poor."  Here are some ways to get the family excited and involved in the mitzvah:

  1. Make sure everyone gets to include friends, neighbors, teachers or classmates on the family Mishloach Manot list. You may also want to include some strangers on your list. If there are any elderly people who live alone in your neighborhood, this is a wonderful way to add some joy to their lives. Also, if there are immigrant families in your area, this is a great way to reach out and welcome them to the Jewish community.
  2. The contents. Make a list of 10 possible items to be included in your Mishloach Manot and allow each child to choose one. By first compiling a master list, you can control issues such as cost and nutritional value.
  3. Baking. Why not include homemade Hamantashen in your Mishloach Manot? Of course there are many reasons why not, but occasionally it's worth the mess. You can get the whole family involved in the baking. Homemade is better for another reason: Cost. It's better to spend less on fancy Mishloach Manot and use the extra money for gifts to the poor.
  4. The container. When it comes to Mishloach Manot, there is no end to the creative possibilities. Try using:
    • a brown lunch bag, which kids can decorate (for a great at home "recipe," try our It's In The Bag family project)
    • clear plastic bags tied with colored ribbon, or
    • paper plates wrapped in colored cellophane paper
    You can include a standardized note from your family to the recipients. Make photocopies of the note and have the kids decorate them.
  5. Mishloach Manot packing party. This can be planned for a Sunday afternoon before Purim or on the night of Purim when the family returns from hearing the Megillah.
  6. Delivery. On Purim afternoon, get all the kids dressed in their costumes and devote a couple of hours to driving around and delivering your Mishloach Manot. Don't forget to bring the camera. You're bound to see some amazing costumes along the way.

Feasting and Rejoicing

It is a mitzvah to have a sumptuous meal on Purim, including meat dishes and wine. This feast must be held during the day. The miracle of Purim came through wine. Vashti's downfall and Haman's downfall came through a wine feast! There is also a custom of drinking until intoxication, as our Sages tell us, "A person is obligated to drink on Purim til he no longer knows the difference between cursed is Haman and blessed is Modechai."

Matanot L'Evyonim (Gifts for the Poor)

Everyone is required to give at least two gifts to two poor people on Purim, in other words, one gift to each. Even a poor person who subsists on charity is required to perform this mitzvah. This obligation can be fulfilled through food, drink, or even clothing. The gift should be sufficient to buy bread. The gifts to the poor are given during the day, usually after the reading of the Megillah.


Gragger is Yiddish for a noisemaker. In Hebrew they are called Ra'ashanim, which means to make a lot of noise. Graggers come in many shapes and sizes. Any kind of noisemaker, such as horns or party favors, will do.  What is important is that you use them every time the name Haman is read out loud. Haman's name first appears in chapter 3.

To make a home-made gragger, you will need:

  • popping corn
  • a pencil
  • an empty juice can
  • (with only 2 holes at the top that were used for pouring)
  • \cardboard
  • scissors
  • colored felt
  • household cement or glue.

Put a handful of popping corn into the can through the 2 holes. Trace the base of the can onto the cardboard. Cut the cardboard and trim the circle so it fits snugly onto the side of the can with the holes.

Trace the base onto the large piece of felt and cut a circle so that it is about 1 inch larger all the way around. Glue the felt over the end of the can using household cement. Wrap the rest of the can with more felt, trim, and glue it to the can.

Decorate the gragger using glue and other colors of felt. Shake and use.

Purim Mask

Wearing masks and costumes is a Purim tradition. Here's one way to make your own mask!

You will need:

  • a balloon
  • glue
  • water
  • newspaper
  • paints and paint brush
  • construction paper
  • aluminum foil
  • glitter
  • cotton balls
  • yarn

Blow up a balloon so that it is a little larger than the head of whomever will be wearing the mask. In a bowl, combine 1 part glue to about 4 parts warm water and mix thoroughly. Cut strips of newspaper about 1 inch wide and soak them one at a time in the glue mixture and wrap them around the balloon. Cover the balloon completely with two layers of newspaper. Let it dry overnight.

When the balloon is dry, cut it in half lengthwise. Now cut two holes in one of the halves for eyes.  Paint the outer side of the mask and allow it to dry before decoration with paper, paint, or any other materials. Make holes on either side of the mask to attach pieces of yarn for ties around the head.

For additional reading
  • Purim: Acts of kindness on purpose
  • Purim at home
  • Purim in the community
  • Purim overview and history
  • Sweeten up Purim with a baking bonanza
  • Purim family activities
  • The story of Purim