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Safety and Security Guidelines

The violence and terror that erupted in Israel, beginning in October 2000, have had a devastating impact on tourism to Israel, especially on youth programs. As a result, Israel Experience Ltd. (a subsidiary of the Jewish Agency for Israel) has seen a dramatic decline in the number of participants on its programs in 2001 and 2002.

The safety, security, and well being of our participants remain our primary concern. We at Israel Experience Ltd. firmly believe that we can provide a meaningful experience that will strengthen the Jewish identity among the participants, while maintaining the highest level of security and safety.

In light of the events of the last two years, we at Israel Experience Ltd. have taken active measures in order to guarantee the continuation of safe and secure programs. All of our activities are carried out in compliance with the strictest possible safety requirements, in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Education and the Jewish Agency Security Department. These bodies coordinate directly with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Israeli Police and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. In 2001 we created a 24-hour control room that channeled all updated security information to the proper addresses on an immediate basis.

Throughout this difficult period Israel Experience Ltd. has remained committed to the notion that it is possible to develop engaging, memorable programs in a safe environment in Israel. This has necessitated creating more structured programs, limiting free time, and often shifting the venues of our programs out of the cities. "Free" evenings during which participants might explore city centers on their own were replaced with social and educational activities such as sports evenings, study sessions, drama workshops, discos, group discussions, etc. Mini bazaars were organized for our participants in the hotels in which they were staying, enabling them to purchase memorabilia, which they otherwise would have bought in town (usually from the same merchants who participated in the bazaar).

Together with our clients we have created web sites, made computers available to participants for e-mail, and instituted other measures to facilitate frequent communication between our participants and their parents. Parents have commented that this aspect was key in reassuring them and enabling them to feel closer to their children.

At no time in the recent three years did we sense that the restrictions mentioned above impacted negatively on the overall experience in Israel. On the contrary, the unique situation in Israel today gave our participants increased opportunities for learning and bonding and a sense of being special as a result of being here at such a difficult time.

As we begin to prepare for 2004, we firmly believe that all programs should continue as planned. Our company is committed to doing everything possible to maintain the security and safety of all participants in our Israel Experience programs. Should we believe that we are not able to provide a safe and secure environment we will ask our clients to postpone or even cancel their trips.

From a past participant

"MGI was the most amazing experience of my life; the trip completely changed me as a person and as a Jew."