We're United.
We're Jewish.
We're Here for You!
UJC developed a new ad campaign which launched September 2004. The campaign is designed to provide young families in the MetroWest community with a better understanding of the many different services and programs available to them, their families, and friends through UJC and our partnership agencies.
For additional information, contact the Jewish Resource Line at 973/929.3100 or .
We're United. We're Jewish. We're Here for You!
Are you looking for a community that will support, embrace, honor and celebrate your individuality?
Do you want to feel connected to something bigger than yourself?
Do you want to network with a group of dynamic, passionate, and socially committed Jewish professionals?
Do you need help in meeting the challenges of your elderly frail relatives?
Job Lost. Career Support Found. New Direction. New Job.
We're here for your Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical development. Join us for a lifetime of Jewish experiences.
Are you stressed out, anxious, or depressed due to the increased challenges in your life?
Do you want to learn more about your Jewish heritage, celebrations, and religion?
Does the plight of Israelis, the trauma of terrorism victims, and the spread of global anti-Semitism weigh heavily on your heart and mind?