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MetroWest Jewish Community Time Line

1923, Conference of Jewish Charities is organized to serve as a clearinghouse for the 13 largest Jewish associations in the Newark area.

1924, old YM-YWHA constructed in High Street, Newark.

1937, Jewish Education Association established in Newark.

1939, Jewish Vocational Service of Newark established.

1946,"Foods for Jews" drive to aid Jews in Europe and Israel brings out 2,000 volunteers.

1952, JVS opens sheltered workshop.

1956, Dore Schary speaks on behalf of $3,900,000 Building Fund campaign of Jewish Community Foundation of Essex County.

1959, Newark YMHA dedicated at 225 Chancellor Ave.

1960, Jewish Community Council estimates 105,000-110,000 Jews in Hudson and Essex Counties.

1961, Jewish Family Service Association of Essex County and the Jewish Child Care Association merge to form the Jewish Counseling and Service Agency.

1963, 6,500 gather at Newark Armory to celebrate Israel's 15th anniversary.

1964, Ground-breaking for West Orange YM-YWHA.

1972, Jewish Counseling and Service Agency moves from Newark to Millburn.

1977, Hebrew Youth Academy moves to West Caldwell.

1980, New Jersey ranks second in anti-Semitic incidents.

1983, Merger of the Jewish Community Federation of Metropolitan New Jersey and the United Jewish Federation of Morris and Sussex.

1988, MetroWest observes 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

1989, MetroWest and Ra'anana enter partnership to establish direct absorption pilot project for Soviet Jewish olim.

1990, Exodus II, a partnership between area synagogues and the United Jewish Federation of MetroWest to aid Soviet Jewish immigrants resettling locally, ends first year.

1991, MetroWest High School dedicated in Ra'anana.

1992, Alex Aidekman Family Jewish Community Campus dedicated in Whippany.

1993, William and Betty Lester Society inaugurated.

1994, MetroWest Rabbinic Cabinet initiated.

1995, Jewish Earth Day celebrated at Aidekman Campus.

1996, MetroWest web site puts community on-line.

1997, Jewish shelter for victims of domestic violence opens.

2002, United Jewish Federation of MetroWest becomes United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ