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Where Your Money Goes: Jewish Education

Little Girl with Miniature TorahTorah --­ Jewish learning --­ lies at the core of Jewish life. The command to teach our children is contained in the Sh'ma, Judaism's most sacred prayer. Throughout Jewish history, every Jewish community has taken this obligation to heart, building schools for the young and honoring those who devote their lives to learning and teaching. Jewish federations continue this tradition today.

  • $54 delivers educational toys for a local childcare program.
  • $72 delivers one "Tot Shabbat" program at the JCC.
  • $315 delivers a seven-day Jewish camp experience for a teenager in the former Soviet Union.
  • $365 delivers one high school student's tuition at an after-school Jewish studies program.
  • $700 delivers one week of Jewish summer camp in the States.
  • $1,000 delivers a teacher's stipend for an Israel study seminar.
  • $2,000 delivers a high school scholarship for a summer Israel program.
  • $8,000 delivers a Jewish Day School scholarship for one year.
  • $40,000 delivers a medium-sized, self-sustaining Hillel for a year.

  • Federations provide tens of millions of dollars annually to support Jewish educational programs and services through schools, synagogues, Central Agencies for Jewish Education, Jewish Community Centers Hillels, youth movements, and summer camps. Federations also sponsor and support Jewish education classes and programs for thousands of Jewish adults of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Federations work in partnership with vigorous national agencies including­ the Jewish Education Service of North America, the National Foundation for Jewish Culture, and the Jewish Community Centers Association­ to make Jewish renaissance a reality.
  • Federation-supported JCC's provide a rich Jewish learning experience through early childhood programs for almost one-third of all North American Jewish children ages three to six and their families.
  • The federation system helps make it possible for thousands of youth each year to explore their Jewish identities in Israel through birthright israel, an initiative to bring young people for a first, organized educational experience in Israel through generous financial gifts from federations and other private and public sources.
  • More than 400 colleges and universities are home to Jewish federation-supported Hillel Foundations and other Hillel affiliates. Federation-sponsored programs help at-risk students stay in school and prepare for college and careers.
  • With funds from federations, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee support youth camps, Jewish kindergartens, day schools, Hebrew and Sunday schools, teacher training programs, Hillel centers, Jewish academic conferences, Jewish courses at universities, synagogue programs, Jewish libraries and book festivals in the former Soviet Union, Europe, Latin America and other Jewish communities.