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Where Your Money Goes: Children and Adolescents

Boy Eating MatzohYour Jewish community, working with the North American federation system, works to ensure the safe passage of every Jewish child into Jewish adulthood. We support educational programs, camps, and after-school activities. Foster care services, drug prevention programs and treatment programs for children in need. College and career training, volunteer opportunities, and Israel programs for all ages.

  • $54 delivers educational toys for a local childcare program.
  • $72 delivers one "Tot Shabbat" program at the JCC.
  • $315 delivers a seven-day Jewish camp experience for a teenager in the former Soviet Union.
  • $365 delivers one high school student's tuition at an after-school Jewish studies program.
  • $700 delivers one week of Jewish summer camp in the States.
  • $1,000 delivers a teacher's stipend for an Israel study seminar.
  • $2,000 delivers a high school scholarship for a summer Israel program.
  • $8,000 delivers a Jewish Day School scholarship for one year.
  • $40,000 delivers a medium-sized, self-sustaining Hillel for a year.
  • $2 delivers an annual flu shot for low-income individuals.
  • $18 delivers one session of group therapy for a teenager.
  • $50 delivers new toys and books for a child development center.
  • $54 delivers bus passes to and from work for 2 months.
  • $100 delivers a single parent support group session.
  • $100 delivers an art program for an Autistic preschooler. 
  • $180 delivers a one-month mortgage subsidy for an Argentinean family.
  • $200 provides a living stipend for an Israeli soldier without parents.
  • $365 delivers a child-sized wheelchair to a terror victim in Israel.
  • $365 delivers 6 months of diapers for a needy family.
  • $400 delivers a four-week bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) training session for a congregation.
  • $500 delivers JCC membership for a needy family.
  • $750 delivers funeral costs for a Jewish family who cannot pay.
  • $1,000 delivers support for adopting a special-needs child.
  • $3,000 delivers nutrition classes to 15 Israeli families at risk.
  • $6,000 delivers an electric wheelchair for a wounded Israeli soldier.
  • One-third of all North American pre-school children attend federation-supported education and day care services.
  • Federations support Hebrew schools through extensive funding and teaching training programs.
  • Federation programs designed for at-risk students aim to retain students in school and prepare them for careers.
  • The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, funded by the federations, provides planning, development, and coordination of services for disadvantaged, abused and neglected children in Israel.
  • More than 400 colleges and universities in 44 states are home to federation-supported Hillel chapters and Hillel-sponsored Jewish organizations.
  • This federation supports the Federation Employment Referral Program that helps recent college graduates find Jewish career opportunities.