Become a Sponsor of UJC's Website

A Wonderful Marketing Opportunity

With over 100,000 visits per week, the UJC website offers you tremendous exposure to a  prime upscale audience.
When your company partners with UJC, you enter a relationship that enhances your company's image. At the same time, your sponsorship provides UJC with much needed funds to help continue a broad range of programs that benefits people of all ages, from early childhood to senior citizens.

Our strategic goal is to offset the entire cost of our website so that all online donations will go to support our beneficiary agencies and services.


What do I get in exchange for my sponsorship of the website?

  • You receive a graphic or text link on the navigation bar that appears on every page of the website.
  • Your company will get recognition at major UJC events.
  • You will be named as a sponsor of our website and your corporate identification will be included in the New Jersey Jewish News on a regular basis.
  • Your navigation bar logo will link directly to your own home website page or to a custom website page we create for you, hosted within our website. This custom linked page can send your targeted message directly to our community.
  • You will receive free passes to select UJC-sponsored events.

What levels of sponsorships are available and what are the benefits?

There are three levels of sponsorship to fit your budget and marketing needs.

Platinum: $20,000

  • Receive the highest position on the navigation bar and a graphic link  approximately one inch square (80x80 pixels)
  • Named as Website Sponsor on UJC Home Page
  • Listed as the "Lead" sponsor of the UJC website in the New Jersey Jewish News on a regular basis
  • Corporate Sponsorship of major UJC events
  • A table (10) of seats at major UJC events.

Gold: $10,000

  • A graphic link approximately one-half inch high (40x80 pixels)
  • Listed as a sponsor of the UJC website in the New Jersey Jewish News on a regular basis
  • Corporate identification at major UJC events
  • Four tickets to major UJC events.

Silver: $5,000

  • A graphic link approximately one-quarter inch high (20x80 pixels)
  • Listed as a sponsor of the UJC website in the New Jersey Jewish News on a regular basis
  • Two tickets to major UJC events.

For more information, please contact Shelley Labiner, Chief Marketing Officer, at 973-929-3050 or .