Jewish Community Foundation
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Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest NJ

Throughout Jewish history, our sages have taught us the importance of using our resources wisely and sharing them for the benefit of the entire community.

The mission of the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest is to service the charitable aims and interests of Foundation members by (1) gathering, investing and disbursing of charitable funds on their behalf, and (2) encouraging allocation of these monies to enhance and assure the continuity of charitable institutions designated by the donor member and approved by the Foundation Board. These activities shall be carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible.

While the Foundation offers special encouragement for planned giving and the use of endowments for United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ and its beneficiary agencies, the Foundation welcomes the opportunity to be of service to recognized charities of every kind, religious, educational and secular in content, and regional, national and international in scope.

In this way, the Foundation works to fulfill the cherished Jewish precepts of tzedekah and tikkun olam, taking an active part in the ongoing process of creating a more perfect world for all people.