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On with the show!
Yonit Simkovitz

In T’koa, the settlement that I live in, there are many teen programs. The youth director is working with the teens to organize a lot of the events that take place here, such as Yom Ha’atzmaut [Independence Day], memorial ceremonies, candid camera, and a big show to celebrate the settlement’s 24th anniversary. Like the other teens, I volunteered to participate in all the events.

One of the best programs we had was candid camera. We played jokes on residents here in T’koa, and broadcast it on Purim, when everyone was in a good and festive mood. About a year ago, we started a teen choir, led by a student from the Music Academy of Jerusalem, who lives here, and volunteered to teach the teens. Once a week, for a year, we rehearsed, and after working really hard for a year we had a show. Some of the songs we sang together and some were solos. The teacher also arranged a group of musicians: drums, guitar, piano, bass and more. We had 19 songs in the show, which took place in the settlement’s culture center. People filled the auditorium. At the end of the show we were treated to a festive dinner and were surprised to find out that we will get a CD with all of the songs on it.

About two months ago, we had another show. This time it was a ballet, with modern and classical dances. The girls performed in T’koa and Efrat and have already been invited to perform in Jerusalem, Alon Shvut, and Tel Aviv. The girls created the show in order to raise enough money for a professional dance floor. They all have performed dances for more than 10 years and created and handled the show all by themselves!

Right now, the teens in T’koa are resting. In Israel, students take final tests, which affect your final grades and your ability to graduate from school. You cannot be accepted to the university unless you graduate with good results. The matriculating exams are divided over three years, starting in the 10th grade. I am on the 11th grade and have already had some of the tests, but, unfortunately, not all of them.

If you have questions about life in Israel or would like to speak directly with Yonit, please contact her at .