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Israel Experience Initiative Guidelines

United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ
Legow Family Israel Program Center

Israel Trips Scholarship Program


Rules of Eligibility for Israel Experience Initiative (IEI)
and Scholarships


  • Permanent Jewish resident of the MetroWest community.
  • IEI applicants must be Middle School or High School students.
  • Student has not previously been on an organized Israel Experience Program.
  • Consideration for special student programs subject to approval of Committee.
  • Minimum length of Israel program of four weeks.
  • Program must be sponsored by a U.S. based nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization.
  • Program must offer a balanced experience in Israel involving travel, and may include volunteer or internship opportunities, and may also include study.
  • Commitment to complete the program is required.
  • Upon return, attendance at follow up program and commitment to advocate for Israel.

FINANCIAL AID (click here for financial aid application)

  • Permanent Jewish resident of the MetroWest community.
  • Applicants must be between 18-30 years-old.
  • Students attending out of state colleges are eligible if permanent residence is in the MetroWest community. All correspondence is handled through the UJC MetroWest mailing address.
  • Student has not previously been on an organized Israel Experience Program.
  • Consideration for special student programs subject to approval of Committee.
  • Minimum length of Israel program of four weeks.
  • Program must be sponsored by a U.S. based nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization.
  • Program must offer a balanced experience in Israel involving travel, and may include volunteer or internship opportunities, and may also include study.
  • Commitment to complete the program is required.
  • Upon return, commitment to advocate for Israel.


  • Completed application form; IEI needs signature of parent/guardian.
  • Include brochure or description of program and length of program in Israel.
  • Copy of letter, or verification of acceptance to program.
  • Attend pre-trip sessions as defined by the Scholarship Committee. 


  • Completion of all regular scholarship requirements mentioned above.
  • Completed Need Based Scholarship Application, including family’s financial information.
  • Applicants should be prepared to write an essay concerning why they want to visit Israel and why they believe the community should provide support.


  • Financial aid scholarships award amounts are not pre-determined.
  • IEI scholarship is $750 with up to an additional $250 match of grant from participant’s synagogue or other organization.
  • Total amount of all scholarships will be determined by the Israel Scholarship Committee.
  • Payment of approved scholarships will be made to sponsoring organizations.
  • All completed applications will be reviewed by the Israel Scholarship Committee.

United Jewish Communities of MetroWest New Jersey, Inc., (its affiliates and subsidiaries, employees, Trustees, Officers, and consultants) expressly disclaim any liability resulting from the grant or denial of this scholarship, the recipient’s trip to Israel or experience therein, or any consequential, incidental, general or special damages anyway connected to this application or the use of the scholarship. By applying for and/or accepting the scholarship, applicant/recipient acknowledges such disclaimer.

 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Six weeks prior to departure date.


to request additional information about IEI and Financial Aid Scholarships.